Brain Tumor Blues

I dedicate this song to my doctors, my nurses, and to anyone who suffers

The Brain Tumor Blues


I’ve got the Brain Tumor Blues   But that don’t mean I’m thru
My neurosurgery pal drilled a hole in my skull and did what  he could do
To rummage ‘round and carve about 
And diagnosis that devil right out
It’ll take time but a cure’s what he pursues


It’ll be pinch of radiation and a touch of chemotherapy stew
I’m Wake Forest Gold but Duke Blue Devil will do
This new recipe ain’t no Bull City Bull
But the hippest new trick to make a country boy full
of hope for a cure and a comeback as good as new



So I’m off my gig a couple of months or three
But I’ll be back just you wait and see
My brain ain’t old, just hypertrophied
There’s doctoring to do and stories to tell
Still so many songs to play I’ve just gotta stay 
And hang aound to for a few more Dr. B days


Dr. B

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16 Comments on “Brain Tumor Blues”

  1. jel Says:

    VERy Blues~ZZZZZZZ 😉

    I think ya got a hit there!

  2. Carolyn Brooks Says:

    That is great! Keep the songs in your heart Dr. B – with your attitude, you are going to be just fine!

    • drtombibey Says:

      Bless you guys and thanks so much. We’re all out of here eventually, but I want to stick around as long as I can, and I want to give others in my condition the hope to do the same. -Dr. B

  3. Ah, this is a great ditty – have you put it to music yet, Dr. B? Maybe you can put a recording of it up here sometime!

  4. newt221 Says:

    Thought of you today when they played the mandolin in church for a song. Prayers are continuing. Hope all works out Doctor B…Keep up the positive attitude.

  5. Billy Says:

    If that is not making lemonade out of lemons I don’t know what is.

    • drtombibey Says:

      Cindy and Billy,

      We have game plan. I am gonna dedicate June and July to treatment and little else, but will write some to the point it is theraputic. The earliest I am gonna be allowed to go back to the doc gig is August 1. I have two local music gigs that are not long and I hope the docs will clear me to play. One is at a church, one for a Rotary club event. Will keep you posted. The best thing I can do for my people is get as well as I can. I have a notion I will not ever be able to be all I was, but if I can come back far enough to serve my people in some small way I will thank God for that much improvement and the opportunity.

      Dr. B

  6. Kathy Boyd Says:

    It’s not everyone who can use the word “hypertrophied” in a song and get away with it Doc.

    Best wishes for quick healing. Glad to see they didn’t carve any of the good humor part of your brain out!


    • drtombibey Says:

      Kathy, The devil got after me, but he only got my close vision and balance, but neither cognition or creativity. He missed the target; I will make it somehow. Thanks for your prayers. The ones from Hospice Angels always keep God’s ears perked up.

      Dr. B

  7. Monnalee Says:

    Dr. Bibey,

    You do not know me, but I have been following your blog for a couple months. You sound like a really positive guy with a music-cool attitude. That is the most important tool in fighting/beating cancer of any kind.

    I’m twelve years cancer free. One of my sister’s has beaten cancer twice. My oldest son had a benign brain tumor five years ago and lives with a metal plate. His wife was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in August, one day before their daughter was born, and is doing well after all her treatments; she’s undergoing radiation at this time.

    I have just begun reading THE EMPEROR OF ALL MALADIES: A BIOGRAPHY OF CANCER by Siddhartha Mukherjee, an oncologist. He compares cancer’s ability to mutate and adapt to that of man’s and nature’s evolutionary process. Cancer has been around for a long time, but seems to have really proliferated in the past 100 years. However, this is due to the fact that life expectancy has increased and most cancers appear after age 50. This book would not be comforting for you, but it would provide understanding of the enemy within you.

    We’ll add you to our prayer lists, Dr. B. Keep up the spunk! (My daughter-in-law goes to a hypnotist for depression.)

    Most sincerely,

  8. Simpkins Says:

    Cool tune there Doc, been thinking of you and your family and been praying mighty hard for ya pal !! I really love your positive outlook and attitude That is an inspiration in itself !!!

    Simpkins and Family .

    • drtombibey Says:


      I am sure glad to have a fine Christian man and the best tenor singer in the history of Harvey County saying prayers for me. I feel a healing coming on.

      Dr. B

  9. Here’s to you and when you’re at 100%. A fast recovery and a hope for it being gone for good. Take care of yourself and keep your spirits up…I know you will!

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