Fiction and Truth

          As far as I know, my blog is the only physician bluegrass fiction writer’s weblog on the net.  If there is another, I hope folks will let me know. 

        I recently learned there is a English Professor bluegrass blog out there, and I reckon it might be the only one of those too.  Only difference is instead of tall tales, he is writing about the facts.

        I haven’t known anybody from above the Mason Dixon Line to have as much interest in the South since Sherman cruised through Atlanta a few years back.  Lord have mercy, an English Professor of all people, in an extensive study of the Sandhills indigenous population, has stumbled upon the bluegrass circle of Dr. Bibey, Moose Dooley, Darrell, and the rest of the gang.  I think he found us through my cousin from Pecan Grove, N.C. (Mama’s side of the family six times removed.)

         I don’t know exactly what sparked all this- maybe he is doing a research paper or something, but I checked out his blog, and it is for real.  As a matter of fact, I don’t think any college English professor has ever figured out as much about our music as this man.  His blog can be accessed at Ted Lehmann’s Bluegrass, Books, and Brainstorms, and I found it very authentic. 

        I believe he is a Professor too.  I diagrammed out some of his sentences and as opposed to country doctor fractured syntax and garbled grammar, they are spot on, as best I can tell.

        Chech him out on my blogroll.  His is the finest English Professor Bluegrass Blog in the history of the free world.

Dr. B

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4 Comments on “Fiction and Truth”

  1. Mike Lawing Says:

    Hello Doc! I think you should attend 2008 Monroe-Style Mandolin Camp and get some ideas for your novel. There will be 55 to 60 mandolin players here from all walks of life with high-end mandolins, bootleg tapes and unique personalities. The faculty for 2008 is Mike Compton, Frank Wakefield, Bobby Osborne, Butch Waller and Dr. Richie Brown.
    Classes will cover specific eras in the evolution of the Monroe style; right hand technique; blues, fiddle and gospel music influence; cross-tuning; timing; and tune-writing.

  2. drtombibey Says:

    I have a major fall commitment I have to work around, but might still find a way.

    Without a doubt this seems to me to be the premier Monroe mandolin exposure in the world. I have studied under Compton some. He knows more Monroe than anyone on the planet, and the entire group is strong across the board.

    I ought to come just to hear Wakefield’s wild backards talking!

    Dr. B

  3. nccoffeeshopmusic Says:

    I am posting as you suggested as the wordpress kindred spirit of bluegrass. I had been threatening to start something like my new blog for years. As you know, I love
    coffee shops and music, especially old time and bluegrass. I have got to get back to
    playing ( I think I can call it playing ) the fiddle. I play guitar and a little banjo as well
    as sing songs such as “Whoa mule you Kickin mule.” I would appreciate you adding
    my blog to your blogroll. Also, as you come across live music in coffee shops or
    small venues in NC, let me know about them.
    Take care.
    L Wells

  4. drtombibey Says:

    Gotcha on the blogroll. Keep in touch and keep on picking. Will check in on a regular basis.

    Dr. B

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