Better Than I Deserve

        A friend of mine died a few months back. He was such a cool guy. Whenever anyone asked “How are you?” he always said, “Better than I deserve,” and smiled.

       I feel the same way. I started a blog in 2007 to learn to try to learn how to write. I had no idea where the journey would lead. The best thing to come out of it was new friends. Ted and Irene Lehmann were the first ones, and I soon found out they were true bluegrass. Ted writes one of the biggest independent bluegrass blogs around. They have become fast friends and we see them at most of the festivals we go to.

        Ted wrote up a post on “The Mandolin Case” and the “Journey of The People’s Mandolin.” I was touched by his kindness. Y’all go over and check him out at As my old friend would say, “it’s better than what I deserve.”

         Y’all remember Julius? He graduates today, and old Doc here is “”Professor for a Day” and will hood him in the ceremony. I’ll bet it ain’t every day a mandolin picking country doctor gets the honor. I was his community med mentor, and he said my rotation was his favorite. Hm. Maybe it was those jam session at the Bomb Shelter, or perhaps it was “Temple’s Law,” but whatever the reason I am honored.

        I wish I could tell you I’m the next Twain, but I am obligated to write the truth, so just me will have to do. But look at it like this. How many books do you have on your shelf by a physician bluegrass fiction writer who is also a Professor of Medicine for a day? It’s like a chance to get in on batting practice with the Cubs. Too much, but all fun. 

       Talk to ya Monday.

Dr. B

Explore posts in the same categories: Journey of The People's Mandolin, med school days, Writing


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4 Comments on “Better Than I Deserve”

  1. Levonne Says:

    Have a great weekend!

  2. drtombibey Says:

    Thanks Levonne,

    Gonna take a little time to to talk to book stores and web site folks, take in some music, then go back to my doc gig.

    Dr. B

  3. Julius Says:

    It was all that, Dr. B!! Thank you so much for being there for me. It was an honor to have you there.


    • drtombibey Says:


      You’re a good young’un and for all I know you might end up looking after me in the nursing home. It was an honor to be there.

      Dr. B

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